Food Donations: Clark County Food Bank

As a Professional Organizer, I am committed to making sure that all client donations go to places where they will be used and appreciated. And that includes food donations!

Clark County Food Bank’s mission is to alleviate hunger and its root causes. In addition to distributing over 8 million pounds of food and 6.7 million meals a year, they also have a farming and gleaning program that produces hundreds of thousands of pounds of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables.

Clark County Food Bank supports 43 partners at 130 distribution sites located throughout Clark County.

How to Donate to Clark County Food Bank

If you would like to donate food (they say it can be fresh from the store, your cupboards, or your farm/garden) they ask you to stop by their warehouse located at 6502 NE 47th Ave, or drop food off at one of their partner organizations.

There are many other ways that you can support Clark County Food Bank too! You can donate food or funds and volunteer your time. Learn more here!

Happy Organizing!


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